If you are a student looking to better your prospects or a job seeker who is looking for a change in career finding the right apprentice and traineeship company is of great importance. The company that you go to should hire apprentices and trainees who are actually in touch with the employers looking for people willing to work in their chosen professions. Most of these companies are dedicated to help apprentices gain the specific knowledge required for a particular industry. These companies focus on providing the youth with specific training programs to enhance their future prospects.
How does apprenticeship in Perth works
Usually apprenticeship programs work as the host and they usually hire trainees and then host them out to the industry so that they can get relevant industry experience. They are responsible for managing your apprenticeship and if there is not sufficient work available then they would also sustain the apprentices on their own. They have the ability to move the apprentice to another host so that they are always fully employed. The performance of the trainees is monitored and they provide counselling to the individual so that they are able to identify any areas of concern and how things are progressing.
It is crucial that you find an apprenticeship agency which is aware of whatever is going on in the industry. They have the experience of working with different employers and also have the resources for getting their apprentices into the best kind of trainee positions.
In order to apply for an apprenticeship program you may have to fill some kind of application form and you would need to indicate the occupation that you are interested in. If you are interested in more than one kind of occupation you need to tick on those boxes so that the agency can provide you with opportunities based on your preferences. You would also need to attach the latest School reports or the TAFE results on your resume and any work references which you may have had from previous employers.
If you can’t decided upon what kind of apprenticeship or traineeship program you must go for, you can also speak to your career counsellor in Apprenticeship Community in Perth or you may even refer to their website to get in touch with one of their friendly staff.
Applications which are submitted by the apprentices are kept in a file and are referred to whenever the position becomes available. Usually the applications might be kept in the file for six months or so and as soon as the position becomes available and the application is thought to be suitable, the individual is invited to take part in the selection process. They may need to pass specific Aptitude Test which are at a year 10 level and some referee checks and interviews.
Usually businesses let the traineeship program know whenever a vacancy comes up. This means that the vacancy can occur at any time and you would be called for an immediate interview and aptitude test. Make sure that you speak to a professional at the traineeship services to get an idea of what you are in for.